Everything outside is white. These Minnesota winters take some getting used to. I HAVE to have a greenhouse, otherwise I'm going to go nuts.
Latest doings-- I'm almost finished building my beehive. I was too late to get bees, but I'm happy about the the beehive! Next year.
Bellydancing is way too much fun. I'm not very good at it, but I sure enjoy it.
My daughter Camilla is going to serve her mission in California. This is such a wonderful thing.
I applied to have "Edible Estates" do my front yard. Let's see if I get picked!
It's been so cold this past winter I've had to have Frankie and the chickens in the garage several times. They're in there right now. I need to get their coop better insulated next year.
I'm almost at the end of teaching a knitting class to a group of 1st/2nd graders. It is really hard to teach something so "hands on" to a group. I know they've enjoyed the class. All of them have learned to knit at some level. Some have really caught on, some not so much. One of the girls latched onto finger knitting and I haven't gotten to get her back to try anything else. She just happily uses up yarn as fast as she can. It's cute. They are all cute, there are just too many of them to have much real teaching going on.
Workshops update
2 weeks ago