I get a kick out of living off the fat of the land. Yesterday I picked up some bales of straw (for the chickens) that someone had just set out "free." I'll be going back today to get more. I can only fit five bales into our mini-van at one time, but there are stacks and stacks available for the taking. People use straw as decorations around Halloween and then want to get rid it of immediately afterward. AND the same day one of the ladies at the farmer's market had some soap supplies she no longer wanted and gave them to me for a very good price. So in this case it is literally the FAT of the land. Shea butter, avocado oil, that sort of fat.
I really haven't decided how far I want to take this soap making. It is sucking up my life but I do get a kick out of running my own business. I have several opportunities to make this business bigger, but that would mean giving it more of my life. I haven't had time to do much else other than make soap over the summer (meaning no sewing). Still, I want to be able to continue to experiment and learn how to make more beauty products and soaps. I finally came up with an absolutely perfect facial lotion, that took several attempts. I want to keep experimenting. I'm still having fun with this. Somebody has to buy this stuff or I can't keep making it.
Workshops update
2 weeks ago
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